Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
How can I pay my taxes?
- The RM of Reynolds accepts cash, "NEW" DEBIT, cheque, Telpay, E-Transfers ( email admin@rmofreynolds.com and include Roll number or memo for what it is for (ie. Building Permit) in the Message Area) and credit union members are able to add us as a payee with their online banking. Please click on the Link for Instructions: E-Transfer CU On-Line Payment Instructions
- The RM office also has a drop box next to our front door at 45030 PTH 11 in Hadashville, for after hours cheque payments.
What if I am late?
- Penalties of 1.25% are applied at the first of each month, every month until the account is paid in full.
What if I do not receive my Tax Statement?
- Tax statements are mailed out in July of each year and are due on October 31 or the last Friday of the month. If you do not receive a statement, please call us to possibly update your address or to ask for one as you are still responsible for paying your taxes.
Can I appeal my Tax Statement / Assessment?
- No, however you can appeal the assessed value of your property through the Board of Revision held in the late fall. October 22, 2024 this year. Prior to filing an appeal, you are encouraged to discuss the matter with the Provincial Municipal Assessment Branch in Steinbach at (204) 326-9896.
- Board of Revision Application - https://reynolds2021.municipalwebsites.ca/ckfinder/connector?command=Proxy&lang=en&type=Files¤tFolder=%2F&hash=c245c263ce0eced480effe66bbede6b4d46c15ae&fileName=applicationrevisionassessment_mlQHCH.pdf
- The Board of Revision applications must be received prior to October 8, 2024 at 12:00 pm and the Board of Revision is scheduled for October 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
How are my taxes calculated?
- Taxes are calculated by multiplying the Mill rate and your Portioned Assessment, see the formula below.
- Your Portioned Assessment / 1000 x Mill Rate = Tax Amount
How do I request a Tax Certificate?
- Tax Certificates can be requested by email to admin@rmofreynolds.com or by fax to 204-426-5552.
- The fee for Tax Certificates is $35.00.
How can I contact Assessment?
- Assessment in Steinbach can be reached at 204-326-9896. If you are appealing an assessment contact David Forbes at david.forbes@gov.mb.ca or at 204-329-3181.
Who do I call with animal complaints?
- The RM of Reynolds currently contracts Rural Animal Management Services (R.A.M.S) to attend to any animal complaints. R.A.M.S. can be reached at 204-223-5521.
- If you find a deceased animal on the side of a highway in Reynolds, please call Kenton at 204-371-4747, if the deceased animal is on a municipal road, please call Nelson at 204-470-4250.
What if I have a question or complaint about Reynolds Ponds?
- Reynolds Ponds is on Crown Land. Inquiries can be directed to the Provincial Info Line at 204-945-6784.
The RM of Reynolds is not responsible for any road maintenance on Fireguard 13 going into Reynolds Ponds. This property and roads are Crown Lands.
- Any concerns regarding fire safety or recreational vehicles can be forwarded to MB Conservation, for garbage concerns, the Environmental Officer.
- MB Conservation Steinbach 204-346-6110, Beausejour 204-268-6184, Rennie 204-369-3153.
- The Environmental Officer, Justin Paille can be reached at 204-392-4020 or justin.paille@gov.mb.ca .
- Report Forest Fires or Poachers to 1-800-782-0076.
Lottery License
As of January 2024 - RM of Reynolds will no longer offer Lottery Licence
Applications - Apply at https://www.mbll.ca/
Why do I need a Lottery License?
- The Municipality has the authority to issue lottery raffle licenses to charitable and religious organizations located within the RM of Reynolds to conduct and manage a raffle lottery where the total prizes do not exceed $3,000.00. A Raffle License is 1% of the prize amount or a minimum of $5.00. For any raffle lottery that will exceed $3,000.00, application must be made to:
Liquor and Gaming Authority MB
800-215 Garry St, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3P3
204-954-9424 or 1-800-782-0363
How do I submit a community event for the RM Website?
- Contact admin@rmofreynolds.com with any upcoming community events or event series such as a Chase the Ace, Community Dinners, Fundraisers or regular Bingo.
How do I add a link or Business information to the Business page on the RM Website?
- Contact admin@rmofreynolds.com with any business links or information to be added to the RM Business page
How Do I contact the Waste Management Site?
- The Whitemouth Reynolds North Whiteshell Waste Management Site can be reached at 204-348-2125.
- From October 1 to April 30 hours are Sunday and Monday closed. Tuesday 8 am to 4:30 pm, Wednesday 11:30 am to 8 pm, Thursday 8 am to 4:30 pm, Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.
- From May 1 to September 30 hours are Sunday Closed. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday - 8:00 am to 4:30, Wednesday 11:30 am to 8:00 pm.