Back Row - Left to Right - Curtis Buley, Curt Stelmack, Harriet Yarmill, Jessica Thurston, Michael Huzel
Front Row - Left to Right - Kim Furgala, Kim Zalitach, Russ Gawluk, Blaine Webster
Regular Council meetings are held twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, starting at 6:00 p.m. unless alternately arranged in the Municipal Office at Hadashville.
Delegations are requested to make appointments by calling or emailing the Municipal Office before 12:00 Noon on the Wednesday preceding the Council meeting. A Delegation Registration Form is available under Government, Documents & Downloads, Forms.
Reeve - Russ Gawluk
Ph: 204-798-0148
Elected in 2022
Ward 1) Councillor - Jessica Thurston
Ph: 204-392-2393
Elected in 2018
Ward 2) Councillor Curtis J. Buley
Ph: 204-866-3089
Elected in 2010
Ward 3) Councillor Curt Stelmack
Ph: 204-266-1445
Elected in 2022
Ward 4) Deputy Reeve Blaine Webster
Ph: 204-369-5679 or 204-791-2705
Elected in 2018
Ward 5) Councillor Michael Huzel
Ph: 204-346-2375
Elected in 2014
Ward 6) Councillor Kim Gesell
Ph: 204-426-5556
Elected in 2018
Ward 7) Councillor Harriet Yarmill
Ph: 204-426-5379
Elected in 2018
We are always pleased to hear from local residents and visitors alike. Feel free to contact us at the address below with any questions or suggestions you may have.
Please be assured that we will do our best to address any issues or questions you may have.
Office Location:
From Winnipeg: East 100 km; North 1.7 km on PTH 11
From Beausejour: East 52 km on PTH 44; South 31.5 km on PTH 11
RM of Reynolds Office is in the Reynolds Civic Centre
at 45030 PTH #11 Hadashville, MB R0E 0X0
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday
Phone: 204-426-5305 Toll Free: 1-888-864-4861 Fax: 204-426-5552
Municipal Office: Ph: 204-426-5305
Municipal Office: Fax: 204-426-5552
Municipal Office Toll Free: 1-888-864-4861
Chief Administrative Officer: Kim Furgala -
Assistant CAO: Sherri Pearch -
Administrative Assistant: Laecie Levesque -
Public Works Manager: Nelson Chmuhalek -
Building Inspector/Development Officer: Murray Cutmore - Cell 204-408-8937 Work Hours: Tuesday and Friday 8-4 pm in the Office or call the cell number on other days.
Economic Development Officer: Brittany Isfeld - Cell 204-407-7000