Box 158 - 62125 PTH 11 South
Whitemouth, MB R0E 2G0
Facebook: WRNW Waste Mgmt. Facility
Whitemouth-Reynolds-North Whiteshell Waste Management Facility
Waste, burnables and recycling materials are collected at the Whitemouth - Reynolds - North Whiteshell Waste Management Facility for proper sorting and organizing of waste, recycling, burnables, and hazardous waste items.
Operations Staff at the Facility take great pride in ensuring the participating Municipality’s waste and recycling needs are met which are regulated by the Province of Manitoba and Manitoba Climate and Conservation.
The Whitemouth-Reynold-North Whiteshell Waste Management Facility accepts a number of materials and items for proper disposal. Please view below to review a list of accepted items at this facility.
October 1- April 30 | |
Monday | CLOSED |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM |
Wednesday | 11:30 AM - 8:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM |
Friday | 8:00AM - 4:30 PM |
Saturday | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM |
Sunday | CLOSED |
May 1 - September 30 | |
Monday | 8:00AM to 4:30PM |
Tuesday | 8:00AM to 4:30PM |
Wednesday | 11:30AM to 8:00PM |
Thursday | 8:00AM to 4:30PM |
Friday | 8:00AM to 4:30PM |
Saturday | 8:00AM to 4:30PM |
Sunday | CLOSED |
All residents of Whitemouth and Reynolds have been given ID cards in their Tax Statements in 2022. The QR card takes you to the waste management website. | |
We will be accepting cash, debit and credit for easier payment options. These changes are an effort to track where all materials are coming from, specifically which RM, and not which individual. |
The Whitemouth- Reynolds-North Whiteshell Waste Management Facility accepts most items that are produced commercially and residentially. We are prohibited from collecting medical waste, contaminated soils, dead livestock and roadkill. Staff have the right to turn away any items that are not suited for disposal at this facility.
The following list was created to assist you in determining how certain items can be disposed or recycled. Also what we charge tipping fees on and what we recycle (no fee).
Anything that we recycle is free to you as a resident. Regular household garbage is also free to you as a resident. Please bring your Waste Management card that was supplied in your tax bill from the RM of residence, or verification (ID) of address. If you do not have a card, please visit your RM office and request one. There is no fee for this card.
Household garbage constitutes any food waste or non recyclable packaging from your home. It is not furniture, carpet, clothing, construction materials, mattresses ECT. See list or ask if you are not certain, and we will be pleased to assist you.
Acid is a dangerous substance and we ask you to transport it to our site in a sealed container and provide it to the attendant on duty.
Aerosol spray cans
Spray cans should not be placed in household garbage, as pressurized cans can pose a safety hazard. We ask you to place all aerosol cans in front of the product care building drop off area.
Air conditioner and dehumidifier
Take to the metal pile beside product care building in WHITE appliance area. WHITE appliances contain Freon and need special handling.
Aluminum Foil/Trays
Aluminum foil and trays go into regular household garbage. They cannot be recycled.
Anti-freeze and Container
Transport labeled antifreeze (glycol) and place on designated pallet in front oil building. An attendant will be happy to ensure safe handling.
Such as, stoves, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, hot water heaters and air-conditioners are to be placed in the Metal pile for recycling.
Fridges, freezers and water coolers - Put in White appliances (Freon) section.
(Microwaves and TVs go for electronic waste recycling) Please report to attendant.
Bags: Plastic
Plastic bags cannot go into recycling. Also, they do not break down easily in landfill sites. Therefore, please reuse them if possible and then put them with your regular garbage. Better yet, try reusable non plastic or recycled bags whenever possible.
Batteries (lead-acid)
Batteries can be placed on the designated pallet at Household Waste Pole shed.
Batteries (hearing aid or D - 4A)
Drop off with attendant, or leave in wagon in front of Product Care building.
Beverage Containers
All beverage containers can be placed in recycling bins at Household Waste Pole shed.
Place in designated bin under pole shed. If possible break down to flat.
Carpet is construction and demolition material. It must go to the landfill. See attendant for tipping fees.
Place in recycling.
CFLs, Fluorescent Tubes and ballasts
These products contain mercury and must be handled carefully. We ask you to contact attendant or report to the office so we may assist you.
Computer / Computer Accessories
E-Waste is housed in building 3. Please report to attendant.
Construction Waste
For information regarding construction waste disposal, and proper placement of materials please see attendant, or report to office. All materials must be sorted to accommodate recycling of recyclable materials. Metal, wiring, clean wood and landfill items must be sorted individually to ensure proper disposal.
Drink/Juice Boxes
Most drink and tetra packs can be recycled.
Electrical and Electronic Waste (E-waste)
Cords from any appliance can go into small e-waste receptacle. See attendant. Appliances such as toasters and kettles are not electronic waste and go in household garbage.
Considered construction waste. Tipping fees apply.
Fire Extinguisher
Place in front of Product Care building. An attendant will recycle.
Fluorescent Lights
Provide them to the attendant. If attendant is unavailable, place in front of Product Care drop off area.
Bundle quantities with masking tape to keep from breaking during transport.
Food Waste
Place in regular household garbage.
Fridge and freezer
Transport to metal dump, and place in WHITE appliance section. Or Contact Efficiency Manitoba for a rebate and free pick up. Appliance Recycling Program — Efficiency Manitoba (
Mattresses, box springs, chairs, couches and other furniture are not household waste. Tipping fees apply.
Glass Bottles
Place in recycling in marked GLASS metal bin.
Herbicides (Roundup, etc.)
Herbicides are highly toxic chemicals and must not be dumped into the drainage system.
Provide them to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in clearly marked and sealed containers and place in front of drop off area in front of Product Care.
Household Hazardous Waste
Give to attendant. If attendant is unavailable, place on designated wagon in front of the drop off area.
Ensure all household hazardous waste is in clearly marked and sealed containers.
Examples of household hazardous waste products include;
· Any filled container with a safety symbol on it
· Aerosol cans
· Cleaners (toilet, oven or drain)
· Antifreeze (radiator / windshield)
· Automotive batteries
· Gasoline
· Bbq and camping fuel
· Chemical lawn fertilizers
· Herbicides (weed killers)
· Pesticides / insecticides (insect and rodent killers)
· Insect repellent
· Latex and oil-based paints (oil-based/alkyd)
· paint brush cleaners / solvents
· Varnish remover
· Swimming pool chemicals
· Some light bulbs
· Fire extinguishers
Junk Mail
Place in Recycling. PAPER bin please.
Lights (CFLs and tubes)
These products may contain mercury and must be handled carefully. Provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in front of drop off area. Bundle with masking tape to prevent breakage during transport.
Take to Pharmacy. We cannot accept medication or medical waste. This includes needles or sharps.
Mercury Switches and Thermostats
Old non-programmable thermostats and anti-lock braking systems (ABS) in end-of-life vehicles contain mercury and must be handled carefully. Provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in front of drop off area.
Electronic Waste. Building 3. Please inform attendant on site.
Needles and Syringes (sharps)
For regular use, ask your doctor for a household sharps container, and return it for an empty one when needed. In order to keep our staff safe, we no longer accept medical waste of any kind. Thank you for understanding.
Place in PAPER only bin under Household Waste Pole shed.
Oil, Oil Filter and Container
Provide it to the attendant on duty. You must sign in at the Oil shed for us to accept your oil. Always ask if we are having any incentive drives. (Free stuff)
This includes;
· Used automotive oil and containers
· Used oil filters
· Used packaged antifreeze and their containers (30L or less) and bulk antifreeze (greater than 30L)
· Antifreeze - Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol used or intended for use as a vehicle engine coolant.
*Gas can be recycled. Drop off with attendant at Product Care, not oil building. Gas must be dropped off in an approved gas container with a sealed cap. No exceptions will be made due to regulations and safety measures.
Leftover paint should NOT be dumped into sewers or drains. Place in front of Product Care building in designated container. We will recycle for you.
Pesticide & Insecticide
Pesticides and insecticides are highly toxic chemicals and must not be dumped into the drainage system.
Provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place on designated wagon in front of drop off area.
Phone (Home phones and Cell phones)
E-Waste can be given to the attendant on site. Building 3.
E-Waste acceptable. See attendant for location of drop off in front of building 3.
Propane Tank / Compressed Gas Tank
Propane tanks only are accepted by us. Drop off in yard area marked Propane Tanks. Other gas compressed tanks are not accepted by WRNW Waste Mgmt. Do NOT place in landfill.
Railroad Ties and Landscape Timber
These items contain creosote, a preservative, which makes them hazardous. See if someone is interested in reusing your railroad ties in a landscaping project.
Second Chance Area
The Second Chance area is temporarily not available. It should be up and running soon. We encourage re-useable items to be reused. New to you! coming soon.
Scrap Metal
Transport to metal designated area.
Sharp Objects
These items such as knives, nails, etc., need to be packaged in puncture-proof containers with lids. See attendant for proper disposal.
*Needles for medical use are not accepted. Please take to Pharmacy.
Smoke Detectors
Please remove batteries and drop off batteries in front of Product Care building. An attendant will recycle for you. Smoke detectors are placed in household garbage.
Solvents are considered as hazardous waste and proper disposal is required. Place in designated wagon or bin in front of the Product Care drop off area, in a clearly marked and sealed container.
Place in regular garbage. Styrofoam is not recyclable and therefore tipping fees apply.
In partnership with EPRA, this is recyclable. Please place in electronic recycling area at building 3. Ask attendant if location is unclear or attendant is not at the location.
Tire and Tube
Place in tire area. Recyclable, so no charge.
Toner Cartridges
Not possible to recycle in WRNW Waste Mgmt. Facility. Staples, Xerox and other companies have mail in programs, check with your supplier for more information.
Treat as paint. Product Care building and an attendant will recycle. Place in specified bin. Please ensure it is tightly sealed.
Washers and Dryers
Transport to metal area, not included in the Freon waste.
Yard Waste
Clean burn area. Branches, vegetation, leaves and compost. Also ashes. Please do not place ashes in Landfill area.
If there are any items that you are questionable about, please ask. We will be happy to assist you in keeping our community as Green as possible.
We've partnered with OSAAT FARM and have a Reclamation Station located on site!
Resident Tipping Fees as of May 1, 2024
All Recyclable Items Metal, Non-White Appliances (No Freon), Household Hazardous waste, Oil, Plastics, Tires, Propane Tanks, Electronic Waste, Batteries, Glass, Tin and Clean Farms Recyclable Products. | No Charge |
Appliances Containing Refrigerant (FREON) or Appliance Recycling Program — Efficiency Manitoba ( | $25.00 |
Furniture - Mattresses and Couches, Recliners ect. | $20.00 |
Half-ton or Half-ton trailer (Mixed includes house hold and construction or furniture items) | $45.00 |
One-ton or One-ton trailer | $90.00 |
Three-ton to Tandems | $150.00 |
Semi-Trailer | $235.00 |
20 Yard Roll off | $275.00 |
45 Yard Roll off | $525.00 |
60 Yard Roll off | $775.00 |
*Resident card or applicable proof of residency required at entry.
**All fees are collected on site at time of unloading. No invoices will be issued unless previous arrangement has been made. Contact management @ 204-348-2125 or
***Partial Loads and payments due by discretion of Manager/Foreman onsite.
****Payment can be made by cash, debit or credit. Receipts will be issued at time of payment.
NON- Resident and Commercial Fees as of May 1, 2024
In order to extend the life of our current cell, Commercial and Non Resident Fees are necessary.
Half-ton or Half-ton trailer | $115.00 |
One-ton or One-ton trailer | $155.00 |
Three-ton to Tandems | $215.00 |
Semi-truck trailer | $325.00 |
20-Yard Roll off | $405.00 |
45 Yard Roll off | $775.00 |
60 Yard Roll off | $1150.00 |
Individual garbage bags will be charged a rate of $3.00 per for Non – Residents Household | $3.00 per |
*Loads must be sorted (Recycling, Garbage or Clean ONLY Burn))
**WRNW Waste Management has the right to refuse loads deemed unsafe, perilous or not within the guidelines of our License and Permits.
***Loads must be pre-paid prior to dumping unless prior arrangements have been made with management.
****Payment can be made by cash, debit or credit. Receipts will be issued at time of payment.
About Our Facility
In the early 1990's, waste disposal regulations were changing and many traditional 'garbage dumps’ were no longer able to meet the requirements for a modern day landfill cell. With these changes in mind, through a joint effort of the Rural Municipalities of Whitemouth and Reynolds, the Whitemouth - Reynolds Waste Management Facility partnership was formed in 1993.
Originally, the facility was to have a recycling depot and landfill. The facility was designed to meet these new regulatory standards. Long before a shovel was put in the ground a new idea was born. It was decided then to step away as much as possible from our dependency on simply throwing everything away. The Facility became a member of some of the Stewardship programs that were available then. The present day Waste Management Facility began to take shape.
In 1996, the northern region of the Whiteshell Provincial Park approached the committee to join as a partner with the facility, as their landfills were no longer acceptable. In November of 1997, an agreement was reached and signed by the three parties, creating the Whitemouth - Reynolds - North Whiteshell Waste Management Facility partnership. On October 1, 1998 the three landfills that serviced the Rural Municipality of Whitemouth were closed and all wet and dry waste from the Municipality was brought to the facility. On June 1, 1999 the Rural Municipality of Reynolds closed its seven landfills as did the North Whiteshell, shutting down half of their sites. By September 30, 1999 all fourteen landfill sites that used to service the three districts where shut down and no longer in use.
Today the Facility is a member of several more Stewardship Programs. These programs range from the collection and recycling of everyday household and personal electronics to household hazardous waste. Through the efforts of these programs and the diligence of the population of Whitemouth, Reynolds and the North Whiteshell Provincial Park, we have been able to divert thousands of tonnes of waste away from our landfill. Click on the links below to learn more about our Program Partners.
MMSM - Funding
Product Care - Household Hazardous Waste Product Care Recycling
Tire Stewardship - Tires Tire Stewardship Manitoba
CBCRA - packaging CBCRA
Recycle My Electronics Recycle My Electronics
Recycle Everywhere Recycle Everywhere
Clean Farms - Agricultural Clean Farms
Phone: (204) 348-2125
Belinda Wilson – Manager

Call Justin Paille - Environmental Officer at 204-392-4020 to Report Illegal Dumping!